Saturday, February 26, 2011

Our beautiful life.

This IS basically a bragging forum right? That's what I have always thought they were so I am gonna sign on up toady. I have a Beautiful life! There I said it. I love So many things about it, I love that when Mom's and Muffins happens, my job totally understands that I'm gonna go to it. I love that the Room Mom was unable to be the Room Mom and so. . .  Well, I'm it! I always used to go to Andy's party's and fit walks, singing programs but the past two years I have a had a really hard time being the mom I was before all the chaos. It's weird that when life is hard you stop doing the things you enjoy, it doesn't make any sense? I only did that until I realized how much I was missing and that it wasn't any fun. This kid is the most important thing to me and if I was still allowing myself to stay in that state of mind I would have missed a beautiful day with this amazing kid and his friends. I wouldn't be the Room Mom and I definitely wouldn't be on the P.T.A.! Yes, you heard me. I always wondered what Crazy lady signed up for that job?! but Like I said, I missed way too much so now I am gonna try and bring it all up to speed and I am super excited about it. And I am gonna brag it up because all the stars are aligned and I am making sure its all possible. That cutie next to Andy is Josh, they have been friends for a long time but have really gotten to be close this year. Andy calls him his best friend but I am not sure what Josh would say their status is but they sure hang out a lot? Next to Josh is Jordan, I know that is definitely Andy's best friend and possibly mine too, even though him and I are super close he insists on calling me "Andy's Mom", I always tell him he can call me Corey and that I am ready for a first name basis with him but that's the way he rolls I guess and it has really grown on me anyway, any of you could start calling me "Andy's Mom" and I would totally answer proudly. Jordan is a fun kid to have around in class and visiting our home he is a very mature and social kid I like em'. And last but certainly not least is Ian, we have history ya know? He is not only a cool cat but I nannied him and his sibs for a whole summer in our very favorite neighborhood and it totally got us "in" with "the in crowd" and now my brother lives in the same neighborhood and the people that don't know me think I live somewhere between Catawbwa and Cynthia and sometimes say things like "I am so glad WE have such a great neighborhood" and "Hey, see ya in church "  that's happened twice now and that ones my favorite because A. we only pretend to live there (we are totally committing fraud.) And B. You all know what makes that really hilarious if you know us at all.)
Was that what they call a tangent? Sue me.
Anyway, I love all of Andy's class. I love his Teacher SHE IS AMAZING and I can tell just by looking at her that Andy is her favorite and you all know there is no better way to get in to my heart. I Love his school, I love where it's at and I love that Andy and I are learning to just make what we want happen. Thanks for reading this brag fest about my beautiful life.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Valentine!

Okay, This guy was my Valentine!(see above) I know, I am the luckiest! The luckiest one of the darn tootin' luckiest! Of course all the things I was going to do for him on Valentines Day didn't really come together the way I had fantasized about for this magical moment that we were going to have but he was a perfect valentine for me. He was just what I needed and I don't think he noticed how bad I sucked at it (see, a perfect Valentine I said) We went to Mcdonald's and we came home. Honestly it was great and made his dreams come true even though he wanted to go to Olive Garden but I thought that sounded like way too much hoopla with it being Valentines Day . What was suppose to happen was. . .  I had told Andy a few months ago  he needed a "cool" new room in the new house ( you have to be very careful the way you word things at this age ) because he had been in his previous home since the very day he was born so we had accumulated a lot of things that are just hard to get rid of but it was time for him to shed what he didn't want hanging around and put some new things in his new room at his new house that felt like they kinda show off who is today  and who he is becoming. It was just time and it helped the new move become a little more exciting (this was all discussed before we moved) Now we have been here for awhile in our new house and we were being suffocated by boxes and crap that I thought we got rid of ? So we kinda cleaned his new room out, we got rid of a lot MORE stuff and its still been looking about the same but I had ordered him a new guitar bed spread, some cool tie dye looking lights, Black lava lamp, and a Kurt Cobain poster.  I was gonna be so cool and  have him wake up in his new room with all this new "cool" stuff! (perfect right?) Well. . .  I fell asleep, so then I was going to have it all pimped out in the new stuff when he got home from school and it was gonna be so awesome! But I just couldn't get home on time. I finally just did a horribly sloppy doorbell ditch to him of all this stuff that I was AT LEAST going to wrap it all up really cute and stuff and it just couldn't, wouldn't and it didn't ever happen *shrug* he really loved his new stuff though, I guess that's good enough right? Anyway, it was a good day, a good time and I really love him a lot. Thank you Andy for not having as high of expectations as I did for you from me. I loved my card from you.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Just figuring it all out.

WOW! I never thought I would EVER have a blog, it just always seemed  like one more job and I don't usually follow others blogs, so there was no real drive for me. Then I realized you can print out the pages and scrapbook them which, if I stick to that then I would be fulfilling one of my two New Years resolutions. . . Scrap booking our life in a tangible book type thing and then I just have to work on quitting swearing ( just the real swearwords.) It  seems like a good time in my life to start now since things are going so well, I am excited, feeling positive and everything is new again ( people should know about this great news.) So for all you blogger's who actually keep up with other peoples blogs I will try and keep it interesting for your sake and Andy's scrap books sake.